- INA News representative appointment has been made after my wish and application.
- I have read and understood all the terms and conditions regarding appointment of correspondent of INA News representative, from today onwards I accept all the terms and conditions.
- I will never violate the terms and conditions of INA News, I will be responsible for the dignity of my position and position and will never abuse my position, if ever irresponsible act or criminal act is done by me then that I myself will be responsible for, INA MEDIA PVT. LTD. Any person associated with the company will not be responsible for that work, in such a circumstance INA News can dismiss me from my post without giving any notice.
- My appointment made by INA News is purely service sentiment, for this I will not get any kind of honor money, India news which is INA MEDIA PVT. LTD, I am joining INA News today for free of cost for the promotion of news and advertisements,
- I will be responsible for the veracity and work of my news, my news will be written by me, in case of any kind of copyright etc., I will be fully responsible,
- Whatever advertisements will be published by me on INA News, I will pay them in cash or in case of credit by check
- I will not use the name of INA News if I leave INA News or be expelled from INA News, as well as INA News press card, mike id, etc. All the material will be returned within a week, material back If not, INA MEDIA PVT. LTD. are free to take legal action against me,
- I will never favor and recommend wrongdoings like gambling, speculation, IPL, criminals, illegitimate pressure, wrong actions of acquaintance/relatives, etc. Full responsibility will be mine.
- I have read and understood the said affidavit completely, after that it is acceptable to me.
Emoluments (Compensation ) - No compensation will be given to the freelancer for writing the news and covering the news, commission will be given for bringing advertisements for the news magazine, news website or news channel by the freelancer, and no other fees or expenses will be paid to the freelancer when unless the Company has approved in writing such charges or expenses.
- The completeness of the Services and work product shall be determined by the Company in its sole discretion, and the Freelancer agrees to make all revisions, additions, deletions or alterations as requested by the Company.
- The Compensation shall be charged monthly.
- The Freelancer shall be solely responsible for any and all taxes, social security contributions or payments, disability insurance, unemployment taxes, and other payroll type taxes or other legal requirements applicable to such compensation or to the Freelancer.
Probation: - That you will be on probation for the period of SIX MONTHS from the date of your joining There after, if your services are found satisfactory, you may be confirmed in writing. Your probation period may be extended at the discretion of the management. Either during the probation or in the extended period of probation or after expiry of the probation period unless you are confirmed in writing your services automatically come to an end after the period of probation.
- That during the above period of probation or the extended period of probation, the management shall have the right to terminate your services without any notice or assigning any reasons thereof You may also leave the services during probation period only by giving one month prior notice on pay in lieu thereof
Confidential Information - The Company owns and may develop, compile and own certain proprietary techniques, trade secrets, and confidential information, which are very valuable to the Company (collectively, “Confidential Information”). The Company may disclose Company Information to Freelancer during the Freelancer's performance of the Services.
- Confidential Information is any information relating to the Company that is not accessible by the general public and includes not only information disclosed by Company, but also information developed or learned by Freelancer during Freelancer's performance of the Services. Company Information is to be broadly defined and includes all information, which has or could have commercial value or other utility in the business that the Company is or may be engaged in and the unauthorized disclosure of which could be detrimental to the interests of Company, whether or not such information is identified by Company.
- Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, details of customers and business contacts, developments, designs, inventions, software, techniques, know-how, data, marketing, sales or other business information, scripts, costs and resources, tools used; and all derivatives or improvements to any of the above.
Termination: Management reserves right for termination of this appointment on giving
ONE MONTH'S notice or salary in lieu of the notice, except for dismissal, discharge, termination for misconduct or abandonment when you will not be entitled for any such notice or salary thereof Similarly, you shall be at liberty to resign from services of the company after giving
ONE MONTH'S notice or utilize payment or adjust in lieu your thereof earned. It is leave made, even clear due that to after your resignation credit., you will not be entitled to avail or
Loss of lien on the services: Absence for a continuous period of 8 days (including absence when leave though applied for but not granted) and when overstayed for a period of 8 consecutive days would make you to lose your lien on the service and the same shall automatically come to an end without any notice or even intimation. You will be liable to pay one month's salary in lieu of notice which shall be deducted from your salary or other dues
Supervision & Reporting: You will work under the supervision of your departmental in-charge or any such officers as may be decided by the management from time to time. You shall diligently and satisfactorily carry out instructions given to you. You will report to departmental head or any such officer, designated by the management from time to time as mentioned above.
Mode of Communication: For any service of notice or communication of whatever kind, you will be informed by ordinary post. courier or e-mail at the address given by you at the time of joining or such other address which you may hereafter intimate to the management. The management may also paste a copy of the letter on the notice board, which shall be considered sufficient service on you. In case of any change in your address, you will inform the management in writing (duly received) to this effect within one week of such change.
Leave: - I entitlement of leave shall be as per rules of the company. Grant of earn leave will depend on the exigencies or work and shall be at the discretion of the management/ superiors. Before proceeding
- on leave you will have to get approval for leave, Similarly for extension of leave, an application will have to be made in advance, so as to reach positively before the expiry of leave originally granted. Submission of an application will not mean that the leave has been sanctioned unless it has been specifically sanctioned/ granted in writing. In case of any emergency casual leave can be availed preferably on telephonic information to the immediate superior without prior approval also.
Restriction on other employment/ Engagement: You are whole time employee of the company and you will not engage yourself directly or indirectly either honorary or on remuneration in any other service, trade, business, profession vocation or occupation (including agency of an Insurance company) or in advisory capacity.
Observing Secrecy: You will not give to anyone, by word of mouth or otherwise, any particular or details of our manufacturing process, technical know-how, security arrangements, administrative and/ or organizational matters whether confidential, secret or otherwise either during the employment with us or afterwards, which you may acquire during the course of your employment. You shall hold at all times in the strictest confidence any technical, business or other information and secrets relevant to the company, gained or acquired directly or indirectly from whatever sources during the employment in the company as its confidential and valuable properties. Any breach of the secrecy provisions shall, in addition to the disciplinary action, make you liable for criminal prosecution wherever applicable and also for civil liability to compensate the company for all the losses/ damages suffered on that account.
Efficient & Faithful Performance: During the course of your employment you will employ yourself efficiently and diligently to the best of your ability and shall devote your whole time and attention to the interest of the company and generally carry out duties and work as assigned to you and shall obey and comply with all the lawful orders and directions given to you by the management You shall not misuse any of the facilities/ properties/ goodwill of the company for any purpose other than for your effective functioning in the company. You shall not use the computers, internet facilities, etc of the company for any personnel work. Any illegal or improper use of the computer/ inter-net/ IT facilities of the company by you shall, apart from appropriate legal liabilities, be a major professional misconduct. Any loss or damage caused to the company on account of your unauthorized act/ omission shall be duly indemnified.
Intellectual Property: During the period of your employment, you shall utilize/ employ all your Intellectual/ professional abilities including writings/ artworks done by you for the exclusive use and benefits of the company and the company shall be the sole proprietor of all such works, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the company
Rules and Regulations: orders instructions service abide time You will to and enforced time conditions be be of bound governed the by etc. company the by by which the management any provisions. Your changes will be services from deemed of made respective time will in as Standing to also part time HR be of Orders in the governed Manual relation terms and/ Standing of by to the employment conduct the rules settlements Orders and, discipline regulations. and You, and periodical will, office Leave from also,
Validity of employment: employment Your appointment. In case is being any information made on, the as basis given of by information you, is found given incorrect by you or in concealed your application at any time for, your services will be liable to be terminated without any notice or salary in lieu thereof
Loss of Confidence: Your services can be terminated by the management, in the case of loss of confidence without assigning any reasons. In such case, no compensation shall be given to you
Non-Disclosure And Protection: The Freelancer agrees that at all times during or subsequent to the performance of the Services, the Freelancer will keep confidential and not disclose or cause to be disclosed, publish, disseminate or otherwise make available or use Confidential Information, except for the Freelancer's own use during the Term of this Agreement and only to the extent necessary to perform the Services. The Freelancer shall not remove or cause to removed tangible embodiments of, or electronic files containing, Confidential Information from the Company, without prior written approval of the Company.
Other Terms & Conditions: - You will complete the work or job allotted to you within time stipulated or as the nature of job assigned demands. If for any reason the work or job allotted to you is not completed within time as aforesaid, then it will be your personal responsibility to submit a detailed report mentioning the reasons for non-completion of the work allotted to you.
- During the employment, you will not participate in any type of trade Union activities. You will also nor love or stop working at the place under any circumstances without being in possession of a written permission for the same from any authorized person. In case of breach of these rules, your services can be terminated without giving you any notice of further opportunity at once.
- You will not adopt "go-slow" tactics. "work to rule" tactics participate in any strike, or in any act which is detrimental, injurious and not in the interest of the establishment and/ or may cause loss or delay in the production, publication and distribution of the newspaper. In case of breach, the management will have the right to remove you from the employment immediately without giving any notice or reason
- You will not commit any act subversive of discipline and good behavior like drunkenness, fighting, riotous or disorderly behavior etc, inside or outside the company premises before or after the duty hours, having a nexus with employment and breach of this rule, your services may be terminated without giving any notice.
- In case of exigencies of requirements, you will work after your duty hours and you cannot refuse to do so
- This appointment letter shall supersede all previous Arrangement/ Letter issued earlier
Fitness: Mentally The continuation) fit. of your service is subject to being found and remaining medically (physically and Mentally ) fit.
Retirement: You shall automatically retire, on attaining the age of 58 years, or earlier, if found medically unfit.
Arbitration: breach That in of the any event of the of terms any dispute of this agreement or differences between arising the out parties of or hereto in relation for interpretation to this agreement, exercise or, or the execution Editor/ Managing of any of Director the clauses whose of this decision agreement shall, be the final same and shall binding be referred. The to venue the nominee shall be of at Agra (UP). Notices will be given to the parties on their last Known address by registered A.D. Post or e-mail which will be deemed to have been served.
Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Indian Constitution Each party hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Uttar Pradesh, Agra, for the judication of any dispute here under or in connection here with.
Thanking you,
I declare that I have read and understood the terms and condition of this appointment letter and accept the same.